Wednesday, March 15, 2006

So now spring term is in limbo. I was sure that I was going to stay here and get some classes out of the way, but apparently I can't make a decision, who knew. Talking to my parents gave me the impression that they want me to come home. I must agree that it is really appealing. I haven't seen my friends for a while and I would really miss them if I did another term. Working is a plan whether here or there, but it would be easier back home if I wasn't in class. Assuming that I'm going on a mission this summer, it would be very helpful to be loaded. That's another reason that I want to come home. If I'm going to be gone for two years, I want to spend some time with my friends and family. Basically no one from out here will be here in the summer so that's not as much of a pull. Brian would probably be a little pissed off if I ended up coming home, since our plans for climbing out west fell through because I am planning on Spring term. I would definitely be good to be making money again and not losing it so often. The great thing about all of this is that I need to decide really, really soon. Hopefully I'll know by tomorrow night, but if not I need to be sure by the beginning of April so that I can get housing.

I still need to ask someone to the masquerade. I don't even know how I'm going to do it, or who I'm going to ask. Grrrr.....

I went to the library today because I had a hankering to read some of the books that we read sophomore year. I picked up Ordinary People and Catcher in the Rye. The funny thing is that I found Catcher in the Rye in the
juvenile section!! I don't know if anyone remembers Catcher in the Rye, but I don't think that it was meant to be shelved along with Curious George and Mother Goose. Buncha crazies....

Monday, March 13, 2006

Doing better and worse at the same time. Listening to Postal Service. I feel gross. Choir tonight, it was fun, I love singing, even if I'm not very good. The Heritage invitational is coming up so I guess I should probably ask someone. I'm doing better at keeping in touch with friends. I love music, I just got a whole bunch more, some muse, cake, and some odds and ends. I'm still mad that I can't go to the Guster concert.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I was not productive today, kinda sucks. I was all excited to be a better student and to get all of my homework done... nope. Two tests this week neither of which I am prepared for. Touring was kind of interesting today. I got to sleep in the car and it made me happy.

Learning some deep stuff about some distant people. I really like it. I made a little promise that I was going to keep in touch with people from back home. I'm doing better, but I'm not there yet. I miss my friends from home, and it's really starting to set in that people are moving on and growing up. This semester is getting near the downhill slide, and I'm really sad. Basically all of my friends will be on missions within a month after the semester is over. I'm staying for spring term hopefully, which is what I need to do, but it's sad. I can't go home to see my old friends and my newer friends won't be here.

I hope that I can make it...

Monday, March 06, 2006

I would like to say that I officially hate Ogden, UT. We're touring there for about a month, which means that I need to be out the door before six in the morning. How did I ever do seminary?
Kind of felt like crap this morning. Missed Book of Mormon again. I've missed it so much that I don't think that I'll ever be able to get a good grade in that class. I've mad commitments to myself though that I'll get caught up and stay on top of my work. We'll see how that goes. Not doing so well already.
The weekend was a lot of fun. Preference was Friday night and I had a great time. The DJ basically sucked, but my date made up for that. She was a lot of fun, so there? Other than that I guess that the weekend actually sucked. So I revise my earlier statement that the weekend was
a lot of fun.
So life is at equilibrium, we'll say that at least.
Well, shower, homework, then bed.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

So I figure, since I've had this thing since about November, I should probably get going on it. I guess the thing to do with these is to comment on what's going on in life and mention how my mental and emotional health is faring.

I got to go swimming quite a few times during the past couple of weeks. I wanted to do a biatholon this Saturday, but I think that it's a little late to sign-up. That's actually the excuse that I use when I don't want to tell people that I'm really out of shape. I keep promising myself that I'll start something on the order of a daily exercise, but that never works.

I kind of feel like crap right now. I'm such a slacker. It's quite pathetic. I'm not doing my homework like I should. I'm just floating for now. I'm kind of worried about how I've treated some people. Whether or not they even care what happens to me now.

But the sun will shine...