Sunday, September 03, 2006

Suddenly everything has changed, life is okay at this very moment. Of course that is a general feeling. There are still so many sucky things in the world. They just aren't as obvious to me. After spending so much time listening to new music and old favorites, I have gone back to some of the hymns and chorales that I have loved since childhood. They bring a measure of peace that is soothing, and rare.
School is looming on the horizion and I still don't know what to expect from this semester. I really don't. I want it to be awesome, but I'm not sure that I have the right classes or even the right amount of credits.
I love old friends though. I wish that I could just spend all day chatting and catching up.

My thoughts don't seem as interesting to express when my mind is calm. Anger is much easier to express than joy. For me anyway.

I wish that I were awesome at something. Something that I just loved so much that I wouldn't even consider doing anything else.

Here's to mediocrity.