Saturday, July 29, 2006

So I'm procrastinating again. This time it's packing for that trip that I've been so excited for because I leave tomorrow!! I am more excited than waffles. I still haven't found out whether I'm anemic or not. That sucks, but I have actually developed some of my pictures and I'm slightly pleased with some of them. Ansel Adams, one of the greatest photographers ever, said something to the effect of "if a photographer creates ten to twelve pictures in a year that actually matter, that's a good year." I'm trying to keep that in mind when I look at my pictures.
Back to the subject, I leave tomorrow. I am so ready (except for packing). Most people don't quite understand why I'm taking a whole month off, they see it as excess, but I understand why. It probably won't turn out like I've got it planned, but there are people that I really need to see. All of the stresses in my life will not disappear, but I'm really hoping that I'll be able to deal with them better at home. Wait, that's crap, no I'm not. Whatever.
So then I'm coming back, a time which I'm waiting for and kind of dreading at the same time. Classes and I don't go well together, but there are, again, many people whom I am excited to see again. Well I should my packness on. Plus I need to eat all of my perishables.

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