Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I have discovered a new love in my life and her name is Minolta. I "upgraded" my camera status and now I have a Minolta srTscII (old) it was made back in the eighties and it's completely manual, but that is kind of what I was looking for. I've been a lot happier the past couple of days. I went through a pretty rough bit of stuff with finals, papers, work, moving, and the list goes on. Now I don't have class, I don't have assignments, I feel like I'm starting to get to know this ward, I have a "new" camera, Matthew and I are going to buy a scooter, I'm going home soon, I'm making friends at work, and it's bright and sunny outside. Joy. I finished 1984 finally and now I have to find something else to read. I've been working through some church books, but I really am looking for some with a plot or something. I've considered reading some stuff by John Muir, who was an early environmentalist, and wrote some good books on the majesty of America's forests and parks. I should probably pick up some photography books to help me develop "the eye" a little bit. That's my problem, is that I love photography a lot, but I'm not that good. I guess practice makes perfect, but I'm no natural. that's for sure. Brian I miss you. I really can't wait to get home, I have this idea of just how perfect it's going to be and we'll all be hanging out together non-stop, except for the times when I'm out shooting the beautiful nature that exists in MN. Maybe I'll do some camping or go for a couple of hikes. Then I'll probably end up just sleeping or sitting at the computer. Well I'm off to go be happy.

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