Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I'm really kind of pissed off right now. Work has basically been sucking. I'm just about ready to shoot my manager in the head. Well, at least now I'm getting paid and I'm in favor with everyone else in the store. I hate the corporation aspect of it, plus the not having a car and yet having to yield to everyone's whims. Now I have to work Sunday again because of some crap rule that Chris made up, using stupid logic to reach a dumb conclusion. Considering work is about three quarters of my life right now, it's stupid. I've been getting pissed off a lot recently. A lot of people are doing stupid crap. Not to mention that most of my friends from college have gone home and all of my friends from home are not here, I'm missing a lot of people. And the library is closing, I thought it was open for another two hours. Okay. I'll go write my paper at home, and fume and vent.

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