Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I want to come home so badly. I've been sitting here putting off a million things for about two hours now. It's been a pretty horrible day, and in some strange twist of fate it's not over yet. I'm really thinking about not staying for summer at all. If I do stay it's only going to be for work, which I'm sick of. I've got basically nothing else keeping me here. I'm not really close to that many people. I don't do anything fun. I'm not productive. I'm just existing at this point and that is my level of awareness. I've been reading a ton compared to what I used to, basically everyday now. I don't even have a place to live for fall, which I'm pretty sure that I'm staying for. That's why I want to come home, I'll just be back in three months anyway. I'd much rather spend that time with people that I feel really close to and who I haven't seen forever. That's it for now, I really need to do these papers.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

"He pressed his fingers againgst his eyelids again. He had written it down at last, but it made no difference. The therapy had not worked. The urge to shout filthy words at the top of his voice was as strong as ever."

Friday, May 19, 2006

Work has continued to suck. So I'm filling my time with stuff that I enjoy. I've rediscovered crosswords and reading. Swimming is still a favorite and now it's the ideal temp for disc. I love to find new music. I'm trying to get cultured in as many ways as I can. So right now I'm rereading A Seperate Peace by John Knowles. I love it because it seems to ring true in so many ways. After that I think that I'm going to pick 1984 by George Orwell. Haven't read it before but I've heard lots. Movie-wise I just rewatched Edward Scissorhands and fell in love with it one more time. I think that The Village, The Hudsucker Proxy, Hero, and some other ones are on the top of my list. Of course I'm going to have to go see X-men. Oh and Life is Beautiful is way up there, my roommates wathced it recently but with no subtitles (they know Italian). I've also noticed a shift in my taste in music. At least it's becoming more defined. It's kind of funny that the bands that I have been listening to recently all have crappy singers, or maybe I'll say that they are an acquired taste. I've been listening to a lot of Modest Mouse, Interpol, We Are Scientists, The Strokes, Weezer, The Bravery, Muse, Dispatch, and so on. Plus I watch the Food Network.

So that all spawned from work sucking.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I'm really kind of pissed off right now. Work has basically been sucking. I'm just about ready to shoot my manager in the head. Well, at least now I'm getting paid and I'm in favor with everyone else in the store. I hate the corporation aspect of it, plus the not having a car and yet having to yield to everyone's whims. Now I have to work Sunday again because of some crap rule that Chris made up, using stupid logic to reach a dumb conclusion. Considering work is about three quarters of my life right now, it's stupid. I've been getting pissed off a lot recently. A lot of people are doing stupid crap. Not to mention that most of my friends from college have gone home and all of my friends from home are not here, I'm missing a lot of people. And the library is closing, I thought it was open for another two hours. Okay. I'll go write my paper at home, and fume and vent.